Don't Look Down

Heads of the cast of Don't Look Down in a line looking concerned with a hire wire over the London stadium below them



Brave celebrities take on a terrifying high-wire in aid of Stand Up To Cancer. Tune in every week from 10th October after The Great British Bake Off on Channel 4.

Paddy McGuinness with his arms folded wearing a dark grey Stand Up To Cancer t-shirt

“This team is outstanding. Everyone has come together and is giving their all at our training camp in the Austrian Alps. I’m not sure if we’re quite ready to tackle the high wire, but we’re definitely going to give it our best shot.” - Paddy McGuinness, Host & Team Leader

Meet the celebrities

Meet the celebrities

Take a look at the celebrities tackling the dizzying heights of the highwire. Show your support and donate on behalf of your favourite celebrity by clicking the donate button below their names!

Anton Ferdinand looking straight ahead wearing a dark blue Stand Up To Cancer t-shirt

Anton Ferdinand

"When this opportunity arose, I jumped at it without really knowing the full extent what I was doing. The word ‘cancer’ resonates within our family. My Mum was our world & any opportunity to tell her story was something I was passionate about. Being part of teams is something I’ve always known and to share this experience with these great human beings is a privilege & I hope this is a therapeutic process for us all." 


Beverly Callard looking straight ahead smiling wearing a dark blue Stand Up To Cancer t-shirt

Beverley Callard

"I'm actually not that great with heights but love a challenge and 'Don't Look Down' is for such a great cause, I just couldn't say no! Despite the hope of helping others, when I'm walking a high wire I might not be feeling quite so adventurous, I've only got size 3 feet so hopefully they'll keep me up!"




Charley Boorman looking straight ahead wearing a dark blue Stand Up To Cancer t-shirt

Charley Boorman

"When I was asked to do Don’t Look Down, I jumped at the chance. Having been through testicular cancer myself, I am excited about such a big challenge of walking the wire. To try and raise as much money as possible to change the path of cancer treatment. I benefited massively from the money people previously donated, so let's dig deep and carry the torch on”


Chris Hughes looking straight ahead wearing a dark blue Stand Up To Cancer t-shirt

Chris Hughes

"It’s not like anything I have done before, I’m testing myself at new heights and pushing myself out of my comfort zone. The cause is something that’s really close to me so it means a lot for me to take part and raise awareness."





David Ginola looking straight ahead wearing a dark blue Stand Up To Cancer t-shirt

David Ginola

"Cancer is now part of my life. Unfortunately my best friend's wife has breast cancer. And I see what a challenge it is for her, for him, for the kids. They are standing up to cancer everyday. So the least I can do is to try and stand up on a high wire. I am terrified of heights but i'll take up the challenge for charity and humbly but hopefully stand up to cancer on the wire. (So help me God.)"


Fats Timbo looking straight ahead smiling wearing a dark blue Stand Up To Cancer t-shirt

Fats Timbo

"I accepted the Highwire challenge for Stand Up for Cancer as a woman with dwarfism because I wanted to inspire others by showing that anyone can pursue their passions and break barriers, regardless of their physical abilities. By stepping outside my comfort zone, I hope to raise awareness and funds for Stand Up to Cancer, ultimately making a positive impact on the lives of those affected by the disease."


GK Barry looking straight ahead wearing a dark blue Stand Up To Cancer t-shirt

GK Barry

"I accepted to do the high wire challenge for Stand Up to Cancer because it is something that’s extremely close to my heart. I’m hoping by doing this and raising money, I can influence others to get out, face their fears and live their lives while we are lucky enough to do so. I’m terrified of heights, I won’t even go up a ladder so this will be a scary but very rewarding experience for me."


Kimberly Wyatt looking straight ahead smiling wearing a dark blue Stand Up To Cancer t-shirt

Kimberly Wyatt

"If facing my fears and balancing across a wire can help make a difference, I’ll do it! 1 in 2 people are diagnosed with cancer and I feel that having lost so many loved ones and seen so many suffer from this brutal disease. I’m terrified about what’s to come but ready for an adventure."


Victoria Pendleton

"I am taking on the challenge as it will hopefully be great entertainment for a very worthy cause. I have recently lost my twin brother to cancer and he would want me to step up and give it a go. He was my biggest supporter."
